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Step 7: Develop an Analysis Plan

What is this step?
This step will help you plan how you will analyze your data once it is collected.
An analysis plan helps to manage your data, budget, and timeline. It will also identify any gaps or limitations in your evaluation plan.
What do you need to do?
Think ahead about how you will handle the data you will collect.
Come up with a plan to summarize all your data across methods in a way that answers your main evaluation questions.
Decide who will be involved in analyzing the data.
Anticipate your timelines for data analysis, building in flexibility that leaves time for reflection.
Assess the soundness of your analysis plan with your steering committee.
How can other SAHs help?

Our consultations with SAHs across Canada pointed out that data analysis is one area that might be difficult to conduct alone.
If this is true for your SAH, consider seeking help in this step and with the actual data analysis (step #9).
Click here for groups who could help you.
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