About the SAH Evaluation Toolkit
About the SAH Evaluation Toolkit
What is this toolkit?
This toolkit will help Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) to plan and implement their own internal community-based evaluation.
The toolkit was developed by the Centre for Community Based Research in partnership with Mennonite Central Committee. The toolkit was funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Why is this toolkit valuable?
This toolkit can help your SAH to come up with your own customized plan of evaluation. It emphasizes a community-based approach to evaluation that places you and your stakeholders in the driver's seat. This means you come up with an evaluation plan that works for you - helping you learn how to do your work better.
How is the toolkit organized?
This toolkit is organized according to the 4 phases of community-based evaluation. Each phase has a number of "steps" that you can take in an order that makes sense to you (think of these steps as nonlinear; more like the back-and-forth of dance steps rather than linear walking steps).
Within each step we explain what the step is, we offer practical advice about how to do it, and then we give advice from our consultations with SAHs across Canada. We also link the step to another toolkit (lookout for the GRSI toolkit) that will give you much more detail about that step, including a hands-on workbook.
As you move through the toolkit, notice how it emphasizes the three hallmarks of community-based evaluation: community-driven, participatory, and action-oriented. If you want to learn more about this approach to evaluation, check out the many other resources found on the larger eval4refugee.ca website (see top menu). You can also use the readiness-tool to assess your capacity for conducting an evaluation here.
Here's a short 2-page roadmap of the toolkit that you can use while navigating your way through the toolkit: